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Forum für Pulsar, EQUAL, SkyAssistant Nutzer

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Moderator: gegie

Von kdf
I forgot to add that, from my point of view, removing the hysteresis from the vario, would be perfectly acceptable.
I'm not sure if I'd ever need more than the basic rise / sink thresholds..
Von kdf
so, jetzt hab' ich Version 2.29 ausprobiert mit dem 8x24 Ton. An sich ist der Ton recht angenehm, aber ein Effekt trübt das Vergnügen:

- im Sink (= Dauer-)Ton-Bereich gibt's ein periodisches 'Pulsen' - ich weiß nicht wie ich das besser beschreiben soll - als ob der Ton aus der wiederholten Wiedergabe eines Samples bestünde, und an der Schnittstelle eine Unstetigkeit wäre..

Grüße -

Von pitlab
kdf hat geschrieben: im Sink (= Dauer-)Ton-Bereich gibt's ein periodisches 'Pulsen' - ich weiß nicht wie ich das besser beschreiben soll - als ob der Ton aus der wiederholten Wiedergabe eines Samples bestünde, und an der Schnittstelle eine Unstetigkeit wäre.
Yes, sorry, i know about it. The last week was very busy, simply not had a time to find the source of problem. Will fix it as soon as it will be possible.
Von kdf
pitlab / Piotr,

I can confirm that the clicking noise is actually gone with the latest firmware 2.29d. However, the vario tone is not yet as perfect as it was before the introduction of the 'dual tone' sounds - at least with my settings, there are short interruptions of the tone (both rise and sink), which seem to appear if the rise / sink rate is close to the center deadband.

I have the 'Climb Filter Time Constant' set to 2 (80ms) - no change that I'm aware of to this parameter from my side.
The 'Insensitivity Zone' is set to +/-0,20m/s (i.e. symmetrical to null).
The 'Hysteresis of Vario Signal' is not applicable, as it is not present anymore - may this have some influence on the observed behavior?

I'm not sure if/how I could attach files to this forum, however if there's a need, I can send my config file by email.

regards -

Von pitlab
kdf hat geschrieben:I can confirm that the clicking noise is actually gone with the latest firmware 2.29d. However, the vario tone is not yet as perfect as it was before the introduction of the 'dual tone' sounds - at least with my settings, there are short interruptions of the tone (both rise and sink), which seem to appear if the rise / sink rate is close to the center deadband.
Hello Karsten
I agree, the small problem still exist. I know about it, and tried to find a source of it, but it isn't so easy as i espected.
As ussually will come back to old problems and will try to solve it in next debugging sessions.